Last year two of our young guests, Noe and Ona, left us with a beautiful picture of a mermaid in appreciation of the great time they had staying with us.
This year one of our young guests called Amelie found a stone on the beach and made this little arrangement next to the entrance to the Gite.
We pride ourselves in saying that Happy Holidays Happen Here, these tributes from our young guests are a good sign that this is true.

Apart from being a lovely arrangement and very appropriate given our use of MonPetitCoeur as the name for our holiday home the heart motif also has significance given the name of our guest who assembled this lovely arrangement.
Our guest Amelie was named after the film of the same name starring Audrey Tautou so we think this scene is the perfect compliment and way to say thank you for the wonderful display created by our lovely guest Amelie!
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